In case misfuelling does occur to you, you may find that using wrong gas cover onto your car insurance provides you with the peace of mind you must get down on the road quickly and safely. If you put the wrong fuel what should you do? wrong fuel in car : Trying to find motor insurance that contains the wrong gas cover? When your engine has been cleaned, and you've got the perfect fuel in your tank, then you can be in your way. What exactly does using the incorrect fuel do? Put your vehicle in neutral. Gmm Fuel Assist is one of the few insurers which have misfuelling pay as standard, so we'll pay to drain and flush your fuel tank in addition to cover any harm to your engine in the event you inadvertently put the incorrect fuel into your vehicle. When you understand what you've achieved, don't panic. Alternatively, follow the steps below, which will help you get back on the road if you have put the wrong fuel in car . The consequences of putting diesel in...
Wrong Fuel Assist will approach you as soon as possible. Our experts can carry out a mobile fuel drain and get your engine running again.